
8 Tips on How To Improve Your Singing Voice

By: Karliana DeWolff


So you want to improve your singing voice, well you’ve come to the right place. Below you will find 8 tips to help you improve your potential as a singer. First things first, if you are just starting out, we have some good news.

A secret that many musicians know is that nobody is really unmusical, and though a lot of people will say they are tone deaf, it’s highly unlikely that that is actually the case. Many people just haven’t had an opportunity to put in the time or practise that is required, alongside not having learned all the tips and tricks that makes it easier to do so. So if you are just beginning your journey as a singer the tips below will be a good jumping off point. Or if you are already an intermediate the points below should be a good refresher.

The cool thing about singing is that everyone is born with a different voice and different vocal range. The key to becoming a great singer is learning how to improve your individual singing voice and learning to work with the tools you already have in your tool box. With the right mix of balance, coordination, and exerise, you can achieve breathtaking sounds, ideal vocal tones, strong vocal muscles and relative pitch

In this lesson we are going to cover:

  1. Posture

  2. Confidence

  3. Using your strengths and finding your own style

  4. Vocal Warm-Ups

  5. Breath work & Diaphragm Support

  6. Loosening up the Face

  7. Taking Care of your Vocal Chords

  8. Practise Practise Practise

Now, before we continue on with the lesson, we are going to go more in depth on your voice as an instrument. If you are feeling impatient and want to get to the tips, feel free to scroll down to them, otherwise, read on!

The most convenient thing about your voice having the potential to be an amazing instrument is that it is within you. You don’t need to break your back lugging heavy gear into a van or about getting it set up on stage, you don’t need to keep it in a bag, or keep it out of the rain. One of the most moving instruments in the world is sitting right within you and it’s begging to be improved.

One of the biggest misunderstandings that a lot of people have is that they think that the singing voice is something beyond their reach. They think that people are just born with it or have a special gift, in truth, it’s just about learning smart, and practise, practise, practise!


8 Tips on Improving your singing Voice

  1. Posture:
    Believe it or not, good posture is an unbelievably important part of becoming a better singer. One must be relaxed, but also must stand as straight as possible - imagine you’re a ballerina or a foot guard in front of Buckingham Palace! The straighter you stand, the clearer your airways will be to allow that sweet, sweet music to make its way out of your mouth. 

  2. Confidence:
    More than anything else, confidence can make or break singers at any level. Knowing you are capable is half the battle! Before a performance or rehearsal, engage in positive self-talk or exchange compliments with a fellow singer. 

  3. Using your strengths and finding your own style:
    You do NOT need to sound like Celine Dion or John Legend to be a strong singer! Developing your own voice and style makes you an unique asset, whether that be for choral work, solos, or professional pursuits. Letting your own voice shine through will sound far more authentic than any form of imitation - however flattering that may be. 

  4. Vocal Warm-Ups:
    Before you break into your own rendition of “Don’t Stop Believin,” it is important that you warm up! Pull up to a piano or find a piano app on your phone to get you started with some basic scales, triads, and arpeggios. In addition to singing, it’s also essential to consider some spoken vocal warm-ups such as reading aloud, tongue twisters, and making your way through all the vocal resonators. 

  5. Breath work & Diaphragm Support:
    In accordance with warm-ups, you must also ensure you are taking in plenty of air! Breath work and ample diaphragm support (singing from your lower abdomen) are crucial in developing a strong, clear sound. 

  6. Loosen up the face:
    Before you sing, make sure the muscles in your face are relaxed. If things stay too tight, your voice might not sound as lovely as it’s capable of being. Try massaging just under your cheekbones, as well as under your jaw and lightly under the eyes. For a more in depth description, check out the video below for a great tutorial on facial massage.

  7. Take care of your vocal chords:
    Stay hydrated, get lots of sleep, and don’t strain your voice too much! Let it rest so you can sing your best.

  8. Practice, Practice, Practice:
    Sing every day! (And more importantly, sing what you like.) The more you love something, the more you’ll want to practice - and the more you’ll improve. 

Karliana DeWolff is a school teacher and theatre performer known for her amazing voice